We hope that everyone is keeping safe during the lockdowns.
We are unable to host face-to-face educational seminars for the foreseeable future, but we are still committed to providing high-quality online educational webinars to our members. We are excited to announce the upcoming ACMAV Educational Webinar over Zoom – “New and Upcoming treatments available for eczema in Australia”. This event will be sponsored by Sanofi, and our speaker will be paediatrician and dermatologist Associate Professor John Su. Eczema is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder that greatly affects quality of life. Its prevalence is increasing amongst Chinese and Asian populations; in particular children of immigrant parents are at higher risk. Conventional treatments include emollients and topical corticosteroids, however this is often inconvenient, ineffective or intolerable for patients with moderate or severe eczema. In the last few years, there has been a paradigm shift in the treatment of eczema, with a number of biological and targeted treatments available or on the horizon. Please register if you are interested in attending, and a Zoom webinar registration link will be provided to you in the confirmation email. We hope to see you there!
Kind regards,
Australian Chinese Medical Association Victoria
Australian Chinese Medical Association of Victoria and ACMAV Health Promotion Trust
Tel 03 9899 6380Fax 03 9899 6389office@acmav.orgABN 34 112 890 590
Postal AddressPO Box 2064Hotham HillVIC 3051Australia