ACMAV together with AMA Victoria has arranged an urgent briefing to assist Doctors who are at the frontline of dealing with Chinese Patients who have the greatest likelihood of having had Novel Coronavirus Exposure. This is to help answer any questions or clarify any issues that are unclear in the Victorian DHHS Guidelines. Saturday 1 Feb 2019 at 4pm Melbourne Time we will be hosting a 1 hour webinar with expert panellists that will answer your questions about Novel Coronavirus and the management of these patients in the GP setting.
This is a doctors-only event and no media personel will be invited to attend. Connection details have been distributed via email, SMS, Facebook Private Group or WeChat. Please check your inbox for further information.
Australian Chinese Medical Association of Victoria and ACMAV Health Promotion Trust
Tel 03 9899 6380Fax 03 9899 6389office@acmav.orgABN 34 112 890 590
Postal AddressPO Box 2064Hotham HillVIC 3051Australia