Join ACCMA, ACMAV and Austin’s CEU (supported by the Bank of Melbourne) for a day of highly interactive learning at Austin Health’s Education Precinct with cutting-edge, yet clinically relevant sessions led by experts in the field. Topics range from important updates in cardiology, hepatology, emergency rheumatology, violence against clinicians, antibiotics, the metabolic syndrome, 3D printing, neurogastrointestinal syndromes and COPD. Personalise your learning with clinical examination and workshops steeped in simulation!
Finish the day enjoying a delectable 10 course Asian Degustation Banquet at Golden Dragon Palace with an expert panel discussing how to build resilience in ourselves.
To register go to:
Full scientific programme now available here.
Australian Chinese Medical Association of Victoria and ACMAV Health Promotion Trust
Tel 03 9899 6380Fax 03 9899 6389office@acmav.orgABN 34 112 890 590
Postal AddressPO Box 2064Hotham HillVIC 3051Australia