诚邀蒙纳士说普通话的女性及其伴侣参加关于女性 健康和健康服务的座谈会。 Monash Mandarin-speaking females and their partners are invited to a forum about female health and health services.
发言人 Speakers:
随后进行小组讨论,欢迎观众提问。丰厚奖品等您赢取。 FREE event, but places are limited.
订位:蒙纳士市议会客户服务部 (5月14日截止) To book: Contact Monash Council by Monday 14 May Phone: 9518 3555 (in English) or 9321 5485 (in Mandarin) Email: customerservice@monash.vic.gov.au
活动结束后将提供健康午餐。 A healthy lunch will be provided after the event.
Australian Chinese Medical Association of Victoria and ACMAV Health Promotion Trust
Tel 03 9899 6380Fax 03 9899 6389office@acmav.orgABN 34 112 890 590
Postal AddressPO Box 2064Hotham HillVIC 3051Australia