The next ACMAV Health Promotion Trust Educational Seminar will be held on July 17, 2018.
Our guest speaker will be Associate Professor Kean Soon, Interventional Cardiologist and Managing Director of Melbourne Heart Institute who will be speaking about Endovascular Therapies for Structural Heart Disease, particularly Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI). He is also a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Melbourne and the Co-director of Cardiac CT at Western Health.
This meeting is kindly supported by Medtronic and Future Medical Imaging Group.
Australian Chinese Medical Association of Victoria and ACMAV Health Promotion Trust
Tel 03 9899 6380Fax 03 9899 6389office@acmav.orgABN 34 112 890 590
Postal AddressPO Box 2064Hotham HillVIC 3051Australia